Brickyard CrossFit
3-Month Transformation

Are you ready to elevate your fitness?
Then this program is for you!

Lose weight and inches
Get stronger
Change your body composition
Feel better in your clothes
Improve your overall health and fitness
Commit... and you WILL see results

When is the last time you focused on yourself?

Do this for you.  This program will change your body and your life – in amazing ways.

Maybe you have an event or holiday coming up. Or maybe you are feeling bogged down by bad habits, the weather, or life’s stresses.

It’s time to commit to improving your body and health, with a guided plan,
in a supportive community of people.

Your Coaches, Nutrition Experts, and the Brickyard Community will help keep you on track.
Consistency is Key!

You Can and You Will

Lose weight
Get stronger
Change your body composition
Meet People
Improve heart health
Improve your mental well-being
Feel better and younger than ever
Love doing this for yourself

Why does this program work?

Brickyard CrossFit brings unparalleled programming quality and nutrition know-how to Rochester, NY. Our members are breaking personal records every day in strength, endurance, speed, weight loss, and whatever their personal goals may be. Are you ready to give this gift to yourself?

Commit and Succeed

This program isn’t for just anybody. You are signing up because you are ready to put in the effort it takes transform your body and your habits.

Imagine actually enjoying workouts, getting stronger, losing weight, and improving your fitness. Trust us, you will love it every step of the way.

You’re not on your own – but you do have to own it! The process works, so let’s get started.

Get Started Today

Your Commitment

Be consistent.
Come to classes at least 3 times per week. This is crucial to your success.

You need to want it!
Be committed to making this change for yourself.

Be part of the Brickyard community.
We are there to encourage and support you! You being there helps encourage others.

Listen to your coaches.
They will help you make a plan and set goals. Ask questions and work hard.

Try new things.
Some stuff will seem easy, other things totally intimidating. You can do this and we’re there to help you.

Recognize that CrossFit is scalable for anyone!
Your coaches will challenge you safely and ensure you get the most out of every workout.

Stick with it.
Trust the process and yourself to stay on track and you WILL see results.

• Have fun! This isn’t a punishment.
We love it…that’s why we want to share it!

Share your story.
Sharing your success story will help inspire others to take the same steps you did.

Success Stories


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Jessica has lost body fat, increased muscle, and breaks personal records in running, lifting, and workouts continually!
Jason transformed his body with consistent CrossFit workouts and changing his nutrition focus.
Steven just hit his 100 pound weight loss milestone! He owes his success to his consistency at Brickyard CrossFit and a dedicated nutrition plan that is right for him! Keep at it, Steven!

3-Month Transformation
Our Commitment to You

(Special discount available for current JCC of Rochester members*)

$749($990 value)
2 Brickyard CrossFit Foundations Sessions - learn the basics and prepare for classes
3-months of Unlimited Brickyard CrossFit Classes - Consistency is Key!
InBody Scans to help set and measure nutrition and fitness goals
Nutrition consultation and workout schedule planning with a Coach
12 prepared meals from Project Lean Nation - delicious, healthy meals to help get you started!
Ongoing nutrition support, tips, and recipes
$20 BCF Merch Credit
Brickyard CrossFit challenges, running clubs, and social activities
Be part of a friendly, encouraging, like-minded community of amazing people
3-month JCC of Rochester membership (included in the non-member pricing)
* $149 discount available for current JCC members. Click on the "Already a JCC Member?" button above to request your discount code.
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